Everything pregnancy, birth & baby

Herbs for use during Pregnancy, Labour, Birthing and the New Mother and Baby Months
The most common herbs used for natural healing for new mums are those that combat and relieve the after-effects of the powerful and transformational experience

Three and a half weeks overdue…Our second baby’s birth… 43.5 weeks gestation
Julie’s Birth Story of baby Ryan I felt the urge calling to have another baby. That was in July. With Spring came the first signs

Healthy Families Benefit with Nutrient Database ANZF
Pregnant women, Lactating Mothers, Fathers, Healthy Families now have improved information available via the Nutrient database made available by the Food Standards Australia and New

Why Baby Friendly Hospitals?
Baby-Friendly hospitals make special efforts to support mothers to breastfeed. The World Health Organization/UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, recognizes

The Importance of Childbirth Breathing Skills by Julie Clarke
Fortunately when I had my first baby, birth breathing was everything; it was the most important component in any childbirth education class. The pre-natal class teacher, for the

The best birth course is an experience… not a lecture by Julie Clarke
Sometimes my experiences as a childbirth and parenting educator amuses me, especially when I reflect on a session afterwards and realize I actually asked the

Here is a fly on the wall moment for you from my classroom… by Julie Clarke
Here is a fly on the wall moment for you from my classroom: Hello everyone and welcome to our session, we have a lovely session

My longevity as a birth educator, instead of burnout, I attribute to my passion for the beauty and wonder of natural birth and ability to be able to impart this in my sessions
Over the last 20 years or so I have attended many births, about 150 in a variety of settings; operating theater, delivery suites, birth centers, and home births. I think the most

Positive birth stories can be inspirational for mums-to-be to read… here is a lovely one for you!
Special Note from Isabel: Thank You to all the women out there who shared their birth stories and experiences which gave me to determination to birth

Childbirth Education Training by Julie Clarke
I recognized the need and the chance to be able to really help other woman via pre-natal courses, but first had to undertake the year long

It is not the absence of fear is it the presence of courage by Julie Clarke
During my teenage and early adult years I was fascinated by biology and psychology, read a lot on those topics and selected courses that fed the yearning,

A better future for maternity in Australia by Julie Clarke
Since the late 1980’s natural birth has grown in popularity and in availability in mainstream Australia, though our medical intervention rate has increased, which continues to create despair for

Julie Clarke determined to provide reassuring preparation for birth and baby care courses in Sydney Australia
It currently seems to me that pregnant women in our society are surrounded by negativity and this is only serving to raise their anxiety and

A Poem: Birth and Bonding… imagine this experience…
Birth and Bonding Experience this with me: I’m a very little person,I’m completely surrounded, supported, nourished,Warmed, cushioned,Swimming in a warm sea,I am one with my

Homebirth as a safe and suitable option for low-risk normal healthy pregnant women by Julie Clarke
The New South Wales Dept of Health endorses homebirth as a safe and suitable option for low-risk normal healthy pregnant women who would prefer to remain in

Healthy newborns enter the world well hydrated and remain so if breastfed exclusively
Healthy newborns enter the world well hydrated and remain so if breastfed exclusively, day and night, even in the hottest, driest climates. Nevertheless, the practice

“Was your father at your birth?” by Julie Clarke
Many men currently expecting their first child when asked, “Was your father at your birth?” reply emphatically “No!”, and for the rare one who says

Pregnancy: Constipation, a common challenge to deal with…by Julie Clarke
Pregnancy: Constipation, a common challenge to deal with… Constipation is the term applied to painful bowel movements, which might be caused by slow, dry, hard

Pregnancy: Leg Cramps in the calf muscles and feet, by Julie Clarke
Pregnancy: Leg Cramps in the calf muscles and feet Cramps occur as sudden muscle spasms and tightens in the calf muscles of the legs, and

Morning Sickness or all day sickness Nausea and Vomiting by Julie Clarke
Morning Sickness or all day sickness Nausea and Vomiting It is quite common and normal to have an upset stomach or throw up during the first three

Pregnancy: Thrush, Monillia and Candida Albicans: fungal vaginal infection by Julie Clarke
Thrush, Monillia and Candida Albicans: fungal vaginal infection Caused by the fungus candida Albicans, a normal part of the body’s flora and fauna, but pregnancy can cause it