HM4HB Human Milk for Human Babies

This is so worthwhile I thought I’d dedicate today’s blog to: HM4HB Human Milk for Human Babies…

HM4HB is a global milksharing network, a virtual village, comprised of thousands of people from over fifty countries.

We are mothers, fathers, adoptive families, grandparents, childbirth and breastfeeding professionals, volunteers, supporters, donors, and recipients that have come together to support the simple idea that all babies and children have the right to receive human milk.

We use social media as a platform for local families to make real-life connections and come together as sustainable milksharing communities where women graciously share their breastmilk.

HM4HB is built on the principle of informed choice: we trust, honour, and value the autonomy of families and we assert they are capable of weighing the benefits and risks of milksharing in order to make choices that are best for them.

We hold the space for them and protect their right to do what is normal, healthy, and ecological. Read our FAQ for more information on what we do.